I Don't Insult People on My Blog


I have never and will never insult people on my blog.

Regarding the existence of the blog, my attitude has always been passive and non-rejective. I certainly don’t mind if someone finds the blog link from my Github homepage or sees the blog URL from other website accounts, but it’s also unlikely that I’ll actively tell people, “This is my blog, take a look.”

A blog is like placing a book you wrote on a public library shelf. I won’t deliberately guide others to a specific row and grid to find a particular book, but if someone stumbles upon it, they’re welcome to read it. If a reader happens to find content similar to their own behavior, would they think the book was written to mock them? Even if names are mentioned, no one would be that “narcissistic.”

For people I know in real life, the blog content might involve related people or events, and I’m slightly worried that those involved might interpret it as having “intentional implications.” For people I don’t know online, smallyu is just a drop in the ocean, insignificant, afraid of being laughed at for showing off. Besides, if many people were actually reading, I’d feel the burden and pressure, hesitant to write “content-less” stuff. That feeling is terrible and oppressive.

I remember a long time ago, I once filled in the blog link on a small blog navigation site where rankings were based on likes and clicks. At that time, it seemed to receive (at least for a period) the second-highest number of likes. For the first time, I realized that the blog content might be appreciated by someone and also felt the pressure of “being seen.” Later, I stopped actively posting the blog link anywhere. I wouldn’t do things like “posting the blog link under daily forum posts.”

The specific content of the blog is definitely not written to target anyone specifically. More often, it aims to describe a category of people who may share some common traits, using certain individuals or events as typical examples.

If someone insists on believing that a post is about them or certain events, thinking that I have opinions or dissatisfaction expressed indirectly, there is a related logic:


The blog’s stance is not as “someone’s friend” or “an employee of some company,” but as “someone who has known people with certain traits” or “someone who has worked at certain companies.”

So, if anyone feels “targeted,” I swear, I never even thought of those people. /doge

Regarding life questions, I’m quite curious and somewhat blindly admire Jesus and Socrates, and I’m also very interested in Western theology and ancient Greek philosophy. I just don’t have enough free time right now, nor have I found the right way to delve into these subjects.

As for why I suddenly mention this topic, it’s actually just a precaution, including past and possible future content. Over time, with more interactions in life and increasing online content, this blog may be “accidentally” seen more often. My attitude remains the same: I won’t deliberately hide anything, nor will I actively promote anything.